Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Ri n' Oz

I can't get over how quickly these little ones are growing. Watching their moves and listening to their words floors me. I know I've mentioned it before, but I was lucky to meet some amazing women in prenatal yoga that I get to share amazing dinner dates and girls weekends with now. And Riley gets to grow up with the coolest little friends. Erin and I share a nanny. Her son Ozzy spends a lot of time with Riley. Seeing them hug and kiss and learn  each others name melts me each time. Even the simplest thing, like seeing their familiarity, that they recognize and know each other is fascinating.

1 comment:

  1. Chels! She is so stinking cute!! I love that u get a sitter to do yoga...important stuff...very healthy of u friend;) maybe I'll start doing that. It sounds wonderful. Miss u guys.
